Saturday, 8 November 2014

Look after yourselves...

source:urbanoutfitters tumblr 

We all need to nurture ourselves a little, I think it is very important. Here is a very generalised list of things you can do in order to give yourself a little TLC and to help you feel good! Enjoy...

First, find some music you REALLY love. Listen to it on car journeys , before you go to sleep whenever. Play the music you love constantly and try to discover new stuff. Music is a lot of peoples safety and can instantly change your mood

Be healthy, ok so chocolate is pretty amazing, you can eat that too but basically what I'm trying to say is think about what you put in that mouth of yours. I am really into vegan foods at the moment,and I love reading food blogs such as We need to live more  and get experimenting with good good grub. You don't need me to tell you the benefits of healthy eating but I just feel amazing when I eat well. I have recently been making my own granola, I'm thinking of making a blog post on it so yeah that's been great. Eat healthily treat your body with some respect!
source: weneedtolivemore
Get into a good tv series or book, something that you can curl up with in bed with a candle or whatever , something you can really get involved in and escape from your own life for a little. I seriously recommend Skins it is simply the most amazing teen series ever! Or go and watch a film you just love , angus thongs and perfect snogging is one I always go back to at the moment I really feel like watching se good old Shrek.  (whatever floats yo boat)  I'm really not being very good with reading at the moment. Any book recommendations? A good book or program or series or film or whatever can really change your perspective on a lot of things, and also it's just fun.

Look after your skin, Be careful about what your putting on your it, don't just slap anything on there. Do some research as to what will be good for your skin, there is loads out there. As someone once said skincare is like a chemistry experiment on your face, it won't work for everyone.Try to find  something that's  right for you so that you can keep your face glowing

Chill a little. Find some of your own personal space that you can relax in and just chill,make a place in your room really comfy,like your little sanctuary . I like to make myself a good cup of tea and listen to music. Just remember that it's you that you need to look after and don't feel guilty for having some me time.

Ok so there is sooo much more stuff that you can do and I know I've stated the obvious in this post. But I just wanted to remind you guys to look after yourselves basically. Sorry if this was very long and rambly but I hope you liked it
Loads and loads of love
Maeve xxxx


  1. Love all these tips especially the one about music and tv series. I am re watching Skins and I am obsessed :p
