Before you get worried this post aint gonna be me just telling you you're beautiful. Everyone tells you you're beautiful. It's just completely overused. Finding out you're beautiful ( which you probably are by the way) doesn't mean anything anymore, everyone's 'beauts' or 'perf''.These words are just mindless. I think that where the problem lies is 'perf' and 'beauts' being said all the time. It's the only thing that people aspire too and despite being called beautiful, its just not enough. People need to realize that being 'beautiful' in others eyes will never be enough. What you need is self confidence, you will never be self confident if you are relying on others to build up your esteem.You need to get in touch with yourself and begin to like yourself. If you like yourself, people will look up to you, people will like you and most importantly you will like you. You will never be satisfied by simply looking perfect, you need to be happy. Once you're happy you appear beautiful and to be honest you are above the people that judge you. Just remember that there are no rules you have to follow, no person you have to be and no expectations you have to live up to. Just chill dude, teenage years are about gaining a personality, you're gonna make mistakes and you're gonna get upset but in the end things will be alright.